Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA)
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA)

Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (popularly known as CeRA) is an e-Consortium of Agricultural Libraries under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) Libraries. Established in November 2007, the Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is the first of its kind for facilitating 24x7 online accesses of select journals in agricultural and allied sciences to all researchers, teachers and students, policy planners, administrators and extension specialists in NARS through IP authentication. The 152 Consortium members consist of ICAR institutes/NRCs/Directorate/Project Directorates/National Bureau etc. and State Agricultural Universities. CeRA is now the most sought after online platform by scientists/ teachers in NARS for literature search for their professional pursuit. To put it in a nutshell, CeRA acts like a catalyst to enhance agricultural research, education and extension activities of NARS institution in achieving excellence and setting high standards in output and service to the society. After the completion of NAIP project, CeRA is entrusted to ICAR – DKMA from July 2014 onwards.

Objectives of CeRA

  • To upscale the existing R&D information resource base of ICAR Institutions/State Agricultural Universities comparable to world’s leading institutions/organizations.
  • To subscribe online journals/e-Resources and create e-access culture among scientists/faculty in ICAR institutions/Agricultural Universities. 

Facilities provided by CeRA

  • Access of journals/e-Resources through IP authentication
  • Document Delivery Request System (DDR)
  • Access through Remote access facility (Ez - Proxy)

List of Springers free Publications

List of Publishers

Journals covered under CeRA

e books covered under CeRA


Team CeRA

KRISHI Publication and Data Inventory

ICAR Interportal Harvester

CeRA Contact

Dr. P. S. Pandey ,
Assistant Director General (EP&HS) &
Nodal Officer, CeRA (Consortia for e-Resources in Agriculture)

Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA)
Agricultural Education Division, ICAR,
Krishi Ansuandhan Bhavan-II, Pusa, New Delhi-12
Phone: (Off.) 91-11-25841760 Fax: 91-11-2584393 Email: adg[dot]ephs[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in
