Other technologies for farmers prosperity

CRIJAF Sona, a Talc-based Microbial Formulation Ideal for Faster Retting, Better Recovery of Quality Jute and Mesta Fibre

  • Water saving up to 50% & Fibre recovery increased by 10% and quality grade improved 2 point.
  • Rs. 11,300/ha additional income over conventional retting.
  • The potential monetary advantage to jute and mesta sector is approx. Rs. 904 crores/annum with this technology. 


A pPrtable, Low-cost, Digital “Pusa Soil Test Fertilizer Recommendation Meter”

  • Capable of testing 14 soil parameters.
  • Gives soil test-based crop-specific fertilizer prescriptions at farmers’ doorstep.


Multitasker Sugarcane Cutter Planter

  • Multi tasker sugarcane planter has been developed and commercialized for sugarcane planting in one-go.
  • Saving during sowing operation: Rs. 4600 (60%).
  • Saving in labour (Man-days/ha) : 32 (90%).
  • Large scale demonstration has been carried out in different part of India.


Soil Moisture Indicator

A handy and user friendly electronic “Soil Moisture Indicator” to save water and facilitate irrigation scheduling. other-tech-5


Development of World Class Human Resource

IARI has awarded 4148 M.Sc., 69 M.Tech. and 4885 Ph.D. students have been awarded degrees including 399 international students. The Institute has received accreditation from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council of UGC (3.51/4.00, A+; 2016-2021) as well as National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board of ICAR. other-tech-6


Year No. of Students Admitted No. of Degrees Awarded
M.Sc./M.Tech. Ph.D. M.Sc./M.Tech. Ph.D.
2015-16 141 161 127 115
2016-17 160 193 127 115
2017-18 169 209 120 111
2018-19 159 214 140 97
2019-20 200 271 145 94
2020-21 246 269 153 89


Outreach Programmes: Hand Holding of Sister Institutions in Post Graduate Teaching

Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bengalore other-tech-7
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal other-tech-8