7-8th March, 2024, Kalyani
A 2-day Human Resource Development Programme on ‘Emerging crop management strategies in weather-induced stresses’ was organised by the Directorate of Extensions Education, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia in collaboration with ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata for KVKs of West Bengal at Farmers Academy & Convention Centre, Kalyani.
Prof. Gautam Saha, Vice-Chancellor, BCKV, delivered a keynote address on ‘Weather-induced stresses and the task ahead for KVKs’ and stressed contingency planning in the KVK system.
Dr. Pradip Dey, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata, delivered the valedictory address on ‘Soil management issues under climate-induced stresses’ and underlined the importance of precision agriculture and the use of sensor-based drones to address the livelihoods rural areas.
Prof. P. Bandopadhyay, Director, Directorate of Extension Education, BCKV, emphasised the relevance of the HRD programme and its usefulness to KVK scientists.
Prof. A.B. Sharangi, Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, BCKV, highlighted the significance of recent developments with technologies like AI and machine learning.
Prof. J. Tarafder, Director, Research I/c, BCKV, conversed on the holistic crop management strategies keeping in view the contemporary scenario.
Prof. L. Das, Dean, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, BCKV, discussed different types of stresses on crop production.
Prof. S.K. Acharya, Dean, PG Studies, BCKV, emphasised the importance of gender mainstreaming.
Dr. K. Barui, Senior Scientist and Head, Howrah KVK and Dr. A. Banerjee, Assistant Director, Extension Education, BCKV, were present in the programme.
A total of 26 trainees from KVKs of South Bengal participated in the programme.
(Source: ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata)
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