Textbook of Watershed Hydrology
“Textbook of Watershed Hydrology” This textbook attempt to fill this gap in one of the major subjects namely the watershed hydrology. It is believed that the principles and practices of watershed hydrology will only resolve the national land and water degradation problems.
The textbook is divided into 13 Chapters. Beginning with general introduction to hydrology, it covers the chapter-wise global and Indian water balance, precipitation measurement and analysis procedures.
Technical Aspects
Pages: v + 478; Price: ₹ 1000.00, US$ 90.00; Postage: ₹50
ISBN No.: 978-81-7164-203-8
For obtaining copies, please contact:
Business Unit
ICAR- Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – I, Pusa, New Delhi 110012
Tel: 011-25843657; email: bmicar@icar.org.in, businessuniticar@gmail.com
website: www.icar.gov.in
Postage (in Rs.): ₹50.00
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