25 August, 2023, Bhubaneswar
A workshop on reinventing the extension system for agricultural transformation was organized by Directorate of Extension Education, OUAT Bhubaneswar for KVKs of Odisha under the jurisdiction of ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes, Kolkata.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. P.K. Roul inaugurated the programme and hoped that such types of workshops will certainly fulfil the generational gap in the changing paradigm of the extension system.
Dr. Pradip Dey, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata presented the extension approaches for Amrit Kaal and hoped that KVKs should address marketable surplus issues in the agricultural production system to provide farmers’ better return.
Dr. A.K. Mohanty, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Shillong said that the extension professionals should take up the new and emerging problems of the farmers to keep their confidence in the system.
Prof. P. Mishra Dean Extension Education, OUAT while welcoming the Guest Speakers and participants highlighted the need of organizing such workshops to reorient the extension specialists to make them capable to face the changing agricultural scenario of the nation.
Dr. P. Das Ex- DDG(AE), ICAR spoke on the changes occurring in the agricultural extension system within the last century around the globe and the need of smart steps to be taken up for a sustainable food production system.
Dr. R.K. Samanta, Ex-Vice-Chancellor, BCKV spoke on the expected role of an extension worker in the change in agricultural scenario.
In this workshop, besides the Extension Scientist and Senior Scientist & Head of 31 KVKs of Odisha, the Head of Departments and Faculties of Extension Education Departments of the University participated.
(Source: ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata)
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