Cultivated Seafood: An Initiative for Novel Food by ICAR-CIFE
Cultivated Seafood: An Initiative for Novel Food by ICAR-CIFE

16th January 2024, Mumbai

ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai has taken an initiative to take up research in the area of cellular aquaculture for development of cultivated seafood. 

Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Director General, ICAR, has approved to take up the novel research in CIFE, Mumbai.

Cultivated Seafood: An Initiative for Novel Food by ICAR-CIFE

The importance of developing cultivated meat has been growing tremendously over the last few years and hence investments towards cultivated meat have doubled over the previous year. This has raised the need for more research and development leading towards cultivated seafood production. To accelerate the path of cultivated meat towards the market, academic research is indispensable. Cellular aquaculture has been emerging as one of the most important climate resilient food production systems in the world. Development and characterization of proper muscle type from suitable fish species is the need of the hour to facilitate cellular aquaculture. 

CIFE, Mumbai is leading an international project entitled “In Vitro Differentiation and Characterization of Fish Muscle and Optimization on Plant-Based Scaffolding towards Whole Cut Seafood funded by Good Food Institute, USA”. The project has been led by Dr. M Goswami, Principal Scientist & Head, Fish Genetics and Biotechnology Division, CIFE, Mumbai and this is for the first time an Indian Scientist has received this type of international grant for pursuing research on cellular aquaculture.  

ICAR-Mumbai, has signed MoU with two industries for commercialization of the cultivated seafood products. A group of 24 experts from 15 countries identified the food safety hazards associated with cell-based foods gathered in the Republic of Singapore from 1st-4th November 2022. UNO-FAO recognised Dr. M. Goswami as an expert for the expert consultation meeting on cell based food products held in Singapore in collaboration with WHO. “Seventeen” the global impact of the expert consultation meeting was witnessed by the approval of Food & Drug Administration (FDO) for consumption of lab-grown meat.

(Source: ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai)
