1. |
Circulars/Orders related to RTI |
2. |
RTI – Important Decisions of CIC/Hon'ble Court |
3. |
Right to Information Rules 2012 |
4. |
Compilation of OMs, Circulars, Guidelines & Notifications on Right To Information Act, 2005 |
5. |
Observation of Hon'ble Supreme Court on RTI Act, 2005 in Civil Appeal No.6454 of 2011, arising out of SLP [C] No.7526/2009 in the case of CBSE & Anr Vs Aditya Bandopadhyay & Ors |
6. |
Iconic LOGO designed for RTI |
7. |
Implementation of the provisions of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005  |
8. |
Amendment to RTI Rules |
9. |
Directive of the Central Information Commission for time-bound implementation of the provisions of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - role and job chart of Transparency Officer |
10. |
Directive of the Central Information Commission for time-bound implementation of the provisions of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 |
11. |
Important Decisions of Central Information Commission |
12. |
Guide on the Right to information Act, 2005 dated 5th October 2009 |
13. |
Guide on the Right to information Act, 2005 dated 28th November, 2013 |
RTI Proactive Disclosure under Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act Prograrnmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26) |
Section I : Organization and function |
1. |
Particulars of its organisation, functions and duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)] |
2. |
Power and duties of its officers and employees [Section 4(1) (b)(ii)] |
3. |
Procedure followed in decision making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)] |
4. |
Norms for discharge of functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)] |
5. |
Title & nature of the record /manual/instruction |
6. |
Categories of documents held by the authority under its control [Section 4(1)(b) (vi)] |
7. |
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority (Section 4(1)(b)(viii)] . |
8. |
Directory of officers and employees (Section 4(1) (b) (ix)] |
9. |
Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation [Section 4(1) (b) (x)] |
10. |
Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers [Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)] |
11. |
No. Of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken Section 4(2) |
12. |
Prograrnmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26) |
Section II |
1. |
Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. [Section 4(1)(b)(xi)] |
2. |
Foreign and domestic tours |
3. |
Manner of execution of subsidy programme [Section 4(i)(b)(xii)] |
4. |
Discretionary and non-discretionary grants [F. No. 1/6/20 11-IR dt 15.04.2013] |
5. |
CAG & PAC paras [ No.1/6/20 11- IR dt. 15.4.2013] |
Information related to procurement |
i. |
Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon, |
ii. |
The works contracts concluded in any such combination of the above-and |
iii. |
Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract The rate/rates and the total amount at which such procurement or work contract is to be executed |
iv. |
Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ Services being procured |
v. |
Contract for Manpower compressed |
vi. |
Contract for Taxi |
Section III : Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation three of [Section 4(1)(b)(VII)] [F No 1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] |
1. |
Public Private Partnership |
2. |
Form of accessibility of information manual/ handbook [Section 4(1)(b)] Information manual/ handbook available in |
3. |
Electronic format |
4. |
Print format |
Information manual/ handbook [Section 4(1)(b)] |
1. |
List of materials available |
2 |
Free of cost |
3. |
At a reasonable cost of the medium |
Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available [F No. 1/6/ 20 I 1-'IR dt. 15.4.2013] |
1. |
English |
2. |
Vernacular/Local language |
3. |
(When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated?[F No. I/6/2011R dt 15.4.20131(Note:“Updating the website, manuals and handbooks is a continuous process. All the updated information is uploaded on ICAR Website regularly.”) |
Information available in electronic form[Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)] |
1. |
Details of information available in electronic form |
2. |
Name/ title of the document/record/other information |
3. |
Location where available |
4. |
Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information [Section 4(1)(b)(xv)] |
5. |
Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals [F.No1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] |
6. |
Replies to questions asked in the parliament [Section 4(1)(d)(2)] |
7. |
Grievance redressal mechanism |
8. |
Details of applications received under RTI and information provided |
9. |
List of completed schemes/projects/ Programmes |
10. |
List of schemes/ projects/ Programmes underway |
11. |
Annual Report |
12. |
Citizen’s Charter |
13. |
Result Framework Document |
Name details of |
1. |
Appointment of Nodal Officer not below the rank of Joint Secy/Addit HoD- {(a) date of appointment (b) name & Designation of the officer }. |
2. |
Current CPIOs &FAAs |
3. |
Earlier CPIO & FAAs from 1.1.2015 |
4. |
Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure |
5. |
Details of audit report 2022-23 |
6. |
Frequently Asked Question |
Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure
Note:“As required under the RTI act,2005 all the departments/section are consulted for framing the pro-active disclosure “ |
1 |
Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February, 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Govt. Of India) -STQC certification obtained and its validity |
Whether STQC certification obtained and its validity. No |
Does the website show the certificate on the website. No |
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