AICRPs & Network Projects
AICRPs & Network Projects

Salient Achievements of All India Co-ordinate/Network Projects of ICAR during 2002-2007

All India Coordinated Research Projects - 60
1. AICRP on Pesticide Residues, New Delhi
2. AICRP on Nematodes, New Delhi
3. AICRP on Maize, New Delhi
4. AICRP Rice, Hyderabad
5. AICRP on Chickpea, Kanpur
6. AICRP on MULLARP, Kanpur
7. AICRP on Pigeon Pea, Kanpur
8. AICRP on Arid Legumes, Kanpur
9. AICRP on Wheat & Barley Improvement Project, Karnal
10. AICRP Sorghum, Hyderabad
11. AICRP on Pearl Millets, Jodhpur
12. AICRP on Small Millets, Bangalore
13. AICRP on Sugarcane, Lucknow
14. AICRP on Cotton, Coimbatore
15. AICRP on Groundnut, Junagarh
16. AICRP on Soybean, Indore
17. AICRP on Rapeseed & Mustard, Bharatpur
18. AICRP on Sunflower, Safflower, Castor, Hyderabad
19. AICRP on Linseed, Kanpur
20. AICRP on Sesame and Niger, Jabalpur
21. AICRP on IPM and Biocontrol, Bangalore
22. AICRP on Honey Bee and Pollinators, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi
23. AICRP on Seed(Crops)
24. AICRP on Forage Crops, Jhansi
25. AICRP on Fruits, Bangaluru
26. AICRP Arid Zone Fruits, Bikaner
27. AICRP Mushroom, Solan
28. AICRP Vegetables including NSP vegetable, Varanasi
29. AICRP Potato, Shimla
30. AICRP Tuber Crops, Thiruvananthapuram
31. AICRP Palms, Kasaragod
32. AICRP Cashew, Puttur
33. AICRP Spices, Calicut
34. AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants including Betelvine, Anand
35. AICRP on Floriculture, New Delhi
36. AICRP in Micro Secondary & Pollutant Elements in Soils and Plants, Bhopal
37. lAICRP on Soil Test with Crop Response, Bhopal
38. AICRP on Long Term Fertilizer Experiments, Bhopal
39. AICRP on Salt Affected Soils & Use of Saline Water in Agriculture, Karnal
40. AICRP on Water Management Research, Bhubaneshwar
41. AICRP on Ground Water Utilisation, Bhubaneshwar
42. AICRP Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad
43. AICRP on Agrometeorology, Hyderabad including Network on Impact adaptation & Vulnerability of Indian Agri. to Climate Change
44. AICRP Integrated Farming System Research, Modipuram including Network Organic Farming
45. AICRP Weed Control, Jabalpur
46. AICRP on Agroforestry, Jhansi
47. AICRP on Farm Implements & Machinery, Bhopal
48. All India Coordinated Research Project on Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture
49. AICRP on Energy in Agriculture and Agro Based Indus.,Bhopal
50. AICRP on Utilization of Animal Energy (UAE), Bhopal
51. AICRP on Plasticulture Engineering and Technologies, Ludhiana
52. AICRP on PHT, Ludhiana
53. AICRP on Goat Improvement, Mathura
54. AICRP- Improvement of Feed Sources & Nutrient Utilisation for raising animal production, Bangalore
55. AICRP on Cattle Research, Meerut
56. AICRP on Poultry, Hyderabad
57. AICRP-Pig, Izzatnagar
58. AICRP Foot and Mouth Disease, Mukteshwar
59. AICRP ADMAS, Bangalore
60. AICRP on Home Science, Bhubaneshwar
Network Projects - 19
1. All India Network Project on Underutilised Crops, New Delhi
2. All India Network Project on Tobacco, Rajahmundry
3. All India Network Project on Soil Arthropod Pests, Durgapura
4. Network on Agricultural Acarology, Bangalore
5. Network on Economic Ornithology, Hyderabad
6. All India Network Project on Rodent Control, Jodhpur
7. All India Network Project on Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore
8. Network Project on Improvement of Onion & Garlic, Pune
9. Network Bio-fertilizers, Bhopal
10. Network Project on Harvest & Post Harvest and Value Addition to Natural Resins & Gums, Ranchi
11. Network Project on Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal
12. Network Project on R&D Support for Process Upgradation of Indigenous Milk products for industrial application Karnal
13. Network Programme on Sheep Improvement, Avikanagar
14. Network Project on Buffaloes Improvement, Hisar
15. Network on Gastro Intestinal Parasitism, Izatnagar
16. Network on Haemorrhagic Septicaemia, Izatnagar
17. Network Programme Blue Tongue Disease, Izatnagar
18. Network Project on Conservation of Lac Insect Genetic Resources, Ranchi
19. Network Project on Agricultural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, New Delhi
Other Projects - 10
1. Technology Mission on Cotton (CICR, Nagpur)
2. Technology Mission on Jute (CRIJAF, Barrackpore)
3. Continuation, Strengthening and Establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendras
4. Strengthening & Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India, New Delhi
5. Central Agricultutral University, Imphal
6. Strengthening and Modernization of ICAR Headquarters
7. Intellectual Property Management & Transfer/Commercialisation of Agricultural Technology (Upscaling of existing component IPR HQ)
8. Indo US Knowledge Initiative
9. National Agricultural Innovative Project, New Delhi
10. National Fund for Basic and Strategic Research, New Delhi