The most authoritative and benchmark publication on the Indian agriculture – the Handbook of Agriculture – is now available in its latest revised and expanded sixth edition. The Handbook is an information product of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) – the apex body in the country responsible of agricultural research, education and extension. Celebrated for its authenticity, accuracy and wider coverage of topics, the Handbook is a big success since its first publication in 1961. About two lakh copies have been sold so far and is increasingly becoming more and more popular especially among the agriculture students, scholars, researchers, policy-makers and scientists.
Popularly dubbed as ‘knowledge bank of Indian agriculture’, it is prepared and published by Directorate of Information and Publication of Agriculture (DIPA), ICAR with contributions from authors who are the top authority in their respective field of expertise.
Keeping pace with the changing scenario in agricultural science and technology, many new additions have made and new areas like crop biotechnology, informatics in agriculture, intellectual property rights, apiculture, sericulture and indigenous technical knowledge in agriculture have been included.
The Handbook is a ‘first recommend’ of any agriculture teacher and is a must read for every agriculture enthusiast or student of agriculture. It is also highly valued by the IAS and other competitive exams aspirants. It is also popular in the neighbouring countries as the agricultural conditions in India are almost the same as in other countries of the Sub-Continent. Even Parliamentarians, Planners and Policy-Makers consult and recommend it as the authoritative source of information on agriculture and the related areas.
In the preface to the latest sixth edition, Dr. Mangala Rai, Director General, ICAR and Secretary, DARE noted, “This expanded edition of the handbook encapsulates research information on the present science-led developments in Indian agriculture, on-going research efforts at the national level and ideas on the future needs of the agriculture.”
The latest edition is priced at Rs.1500
It is hoped that the current revised and expanded version will meet the growing demand for authentic agricultural knowledge and its sharing.
For copies contact:
Business Manager
Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-I, Pusa,
New Delhi-110012
Tel: 011 25843657, Fax: 091 25841282
(Source: NAIP – Mass Media Project, DIPA)
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