All India Coordinated Research Projects

All India Coordinated Research Projects

1.  Wheat & Barley, IIWBR, Karnal

2.  Rice, IIRR, Hyderabad

3.  Maize, IIMR, Ludhiana

4.  Sorghum and Millets, IIMR, Hyderabad

5.  Forage Crops and Utilization, IGFRI, Jhansi

6.  Rabi Pulses, IIPR, Kanpur

7.  Kharif Pulses, IIPR, Kanpur

8.  Seed, IISS, Mau

9.  Groundnut, DGR, Junagarh

10.  Soybean, IISR, Indore

11.  Rapeseed & Mustard, DRMR, Bharatpur

12.  Oilseeds, IIOR, Hyderabad

13.  Sesame and Niger, JNKVV, Jabalpur

14.  Sugarcane, IISR, Lucknow

15.  Cotton, CICR, Coimbatore

16.  Nematodes in Cropping System, IARI, New Delhi

17.  Biocontrol of Crop Pests, NBAIR, Bengaluru

18.  Honeybees and Pollinators, IARI, New Delhi

19.  AICRP on Biotech Crops, NIPB, New Delhi
