All India Coordinated Research Projects |
1. Wheat & Barley, IIWBR, Karnal |
2. Rice, IIRR, Hyderabad |
3. Maize, IIMR, Ludhiana |
4. Sorghum and Millets, IIMR, Hyderabad |
5. Forage Crops and Utilization, IGFRI, Jhansi |
6. Rabi Pulses, IIPR, Kanpur |
7. Kharif Pulses, IIPR, Kanpur |
8. Seed, IISS, Mau |
9. Groundnut, DGR, Junagarh |
10. Soybean, IISR, Indore |
11. Rapeseed & Mustard, DRMR, Bharatpur |
12. Oilseeds, IIOR, Hyderabad |
13. Sesame and Niger, JNKVV, Jabalpur |
14. Sugarcane, IISR, Lucknow |
15. Cotton, CICR, Coimbatore |
16. Nematodes in Cropping System, IARI, New Delhi |
17. Biocontrol of Crop Pests, NBAIR, Bengaluru |
18. Honeybees and Pollinators, IARI, New Delhi |
19. AICRP on Biotech Crops, NIPB, New Delhi |
All India Coordinated Research Projects
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